Interesting facts about food poisoning

1. 20% of cases are the result of food prepared in the home.

2. 2-3% of food poisoning cases lead to a second long-term illness such as of cause arthritis, kidney failure, meningitis, and Guillain-Barre syndrome depending on which specific pathogen triggered the food poisoning.

3. As a direct result of food-borne illness, each year in the U.S. 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 people die.

4.One of the basics of food poisoning prevention is "hand washing". It is one of the most important things when it comes to food preparation yet it is also one of the most commonly ignored.


Bacteria can attach to any parts of your hands all the way from the crevices and skin folds up to the tip of your nails. Therefore, bacteria can still spread through every surface of your hands if you don't wash your hands well.
Experts recommend 20 seconds of proper hand washing with soap and water.

The most types of bacteria that contaminate food are:

Which can also cause typhoid fever, and reproduces rapidly with a cell division rate of 20-40 minutes.

2.E. Coli
Most types of e coli are harmless and live in the intestines of healthy adults and animals, 2-7% of cases lead to kidney failure, and is most commonly spread by eating undercooked meat, drinking raw milk and/or eating raw vegetables that have been contaminated, or swallowing polluted water.

Which also triggers 40% of the cases of Guillain-Barre’s syndrome which occurs because this specific pathogen affects the nerves in the body and the immune system attacks the nerves causing paralysis.


I am a pharmacy student. I study various types of medicine and their effects and side effects both.

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