Interesting facts about Swine Flu

·       Swine influenza (also called Swine flu, hog flu, and pig flu) . Swine flu in another name is known as H1N1 virus flu detected in 2009. It is actually a respiratory disorder, symptom of pigs that is caused by ‘type A’ influenza viruses.  Influenza viruses that are commonly circulating among pigs/swine are actually the ‘swine influenza viruses’ or the ‘swine flu viruses’.

·       As there are many subtypes and strains in these particular flu viruses, there are three types as the major virus causing factors – which was found in the US in the recent years:
·       Swine triple reasserting (tr) H1N1 Influenza Virus
·       TrH3N2 Virus
·       TrH1N2 Virus

·       Swine Flu basically originated in swine or pigs, as SIV generally affects pigs. Human got infected by this virus by consuming infected pig meat or coming in direct contact with infected swine’s. Mean it is transferred, when virus enters the body through eyes, nose or mouth. And then human to human transfer occurs. This human to human transfer takes place by coming in direct contact with infected person or sharing same clothes and other belongings with that person. Its mode of transfer is via air and virus particles travel through air and thus making it more contagious.

·       It gets transmitted as like seasonal & common flu. When an H1N1 virus affected person coughs and sneezes, the virus get sprayed out as tiny drops into the air. The other common human gets contact with those tiny drops, say for being near to the affected individual or touching the surface that the affected person has used (for e.g. door knobs) chances are indeed heavy to catch H1N1 infection immediately. The virus from the affected individuals can get spread out in a day and the symptoms for an adult will reveal out only after 7 days wherein the symptoms can be found only after 10 days for kids.
·       Appending below are few of the core symptoms of swine flu infection.
·       A sudden fever with increasing temperature, generally more than 39 C and/or 103 F
·       Dry and chest a persisting cough
·       Lingering headache
·       Prolonging tiredness & weakness
·       Feeling very chill in the palms and the toes
·       Pain in muscles and bones
·       Joints pain and limbs pain
·       Diarrhea with abdominal pain
·       Vomiting and nausea
·       Sore throat
·       Running nose or blocked nose
·       Unremitting sneezes
·       Disturbed sleep
·       Loss of appetite

·       The severity of Symptoms can vary from mild to severe and sometimes require hospitalization. In some cases, severe complications such as pneumonia and respiratory failure can cause death. Like the seasonal flu, swine flu may worsen existing chronic medical conditions. The symptoms that occur commonly among flu infection and cold are the following:
·       There are quite a few of these that occur in the human bodies and finding out whether it is just cold or is it flu is a challenging factor. Appending below are the main differences:
·       Flu Symptoms
·       Come on immediately
·       Unusual increasing of fever temperature and pain muscles & joints
·       Feeling damn tired that will not let the infected individual to carry on his/her daily routine simple jobs
·       Common Cold Symptoms
·       Come on gradually but not often and a persistent one
·       Particularly affect the nose and throat areas
·       The cold infected individual can get around once after taking necessary mild treatments.

·       Swine flu vaccine: Taking up of annual swine flu vaccine will help to fight against such H1N1 type of virus and will reduce the risk of being affected by this disease.
·       A swine flu vaccine is open for the below-appended persons:
·       Any individual who is more than 60 years of old
·       Any individual who is of overweight
·       Pregnant ladies
·       Adults and children who are all with underlying health condition
·       Adults and children with weakened immune system

·       Side-effects: Almost all the vaccinations are accompanied with minimal side effects. Common side effects of H1N1 vaccines both single or with a combination of other flu viral strands show below appending side effects.
·       Flu vaccination: In another term as known as flu shots show redness, soreness, mild swelling on the injected area, muscle pain, the low-grade temperature for less than 24 hours.
·       Nasal spray: Nasal spray for children below 2 years will show the side effect signs of a runny nose, low-level temperature, cough, sore throat, vomiting for not more than 1 day.

· Intradermal vaccination: Redness, soreness, muscle pain, headache accompanied by fatigue can be seen as side effects.

·       Antiviral treatment: To prevent from being affected by the flu in the following conditions, antiviral medicines of Oseltamivir (for Tamiflu) or Zanamivir (for Relenza) are to be taken necessarily.
·       When there is flu infection in the society
·       When you are pregnant, or age of 65+
·       When you are under any such medical circumstances that left you at the risk of flu complications, which include but not just limited to diabetes, lung diseases, heart diseases, neurological diseases et al
·       When you have contact with the individuals having flu & flu kind illness (must start the anti-viral treatment within 36-48 hours)
When you are not taken any set of effective vaccination so far

I am a pharmacy student. I study various types of medicine and their effects and side effects both.

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