The Mosquito, An Ordinary Little Creature

        It is a female. It has 100 eyes in it’s head. It has 48 teeth in it’s            mouth. Inside it’s a little body there are Three complete hearts. It has six knives in it’s nose and each knife in it’s special use. A mosquito’s wings beat 300-600 times per second. In the body of this insect is a digital x-ray machine, which it use to distinguish the human skin in the dark, in violate color. Its body also contains a small vaccine working as a local anesthetic to help it to insert its thorns in the human skin without any feel or pain caused by the suction of the blood. It has any instrument for blood testing, because it does not type all blood types. It has special mechanism to speed up the blood flow so it can draw it faster! And the most discovery by the modern science is that there is another very small microscopic insect living on top of this mosquito!!!

I am a pharmacy student. I study various types of medicine and their effects and side effects both.

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